Friday, September 10, 2010

Current Obsession: Bubble Baths!

So, when I lived with my parents I had one of those walk in showers with the glass sliding door. Yea, I loved that because it was spacious, but what about when I was in the mood for a nice warm bath? I just couldn't do that and it bothered me so much! Haha. Now that I live in an apartment it has a bath tub! Yay!! Haha.

So naturally, I went crazy buying bubble bath liquid. I bought the "Calgon Foaming Bubble Bath" in "English Garden" that I saw at my local grocery store. I do like the scent. Its very soothing. Next, I got these Bath Bomb Balls that fizz in the water when you drop it in. I dont remember what they're called and I got them from the grocery store. They were so much fun because they turned the bath water different colors and when it was done fizzing, a cute little duck was in the middle. :-) Also from the grocery store I got the fizzy Baker Cupcakes. They are the cutest things!

They look so much like a cupcake and smell so good. It almost makes me not want to ruin it! Haha. All of my stuff comes from my grocery store because I have no other place to get them! Im going to start ordering online at Do you guys think they're alittle too pricey? What products do you recommend?


Catamiaou said...

like cupcakes? haha I really have to try it *__* I love taking baths and so... bubble baths too. But I'm gonna move in a flat without bath tub **sad**

SusuanaLove said...

Mmmm bubble bath would be nice i might just do that befor i move out lol xx

Freja Wewer said...

I've visited your blog before, and i really like it, and i find it very inspiring!
I hope you wont to take a look at my blog to!
- and follow me bag (:


Eternally Fixated said...

Also in love with bubble baths!! lol.
It's so relaxing!

<3 Ladies of Eternallyfixated: Everything to satisfy your fix:)