Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pet Peeve: Nozzle breaking on my Hair Spray/Aussie Mega Hair Spray

So, we all have pet peeves. This one came to mind as I was hair spraying my hair last night and realized this has happened to me quite alot.. haha. I absolutely hate when the nozzle on my hairspray breaks. I hate wasting things as well so it really sucks that the hairspray is a really big can with almost all the product still inside it!

With that being said, I might as well talk about the hairspray I use. :-) I use "Aussie's Mega Hair Spray" and I have been for quite awhile now. I have really thick hair so I love that they have a big can for it. I also love the smell of all of Aussie's products. I cant really describe the smell other than it smells really good and reminds me back to my Freshman year of High school because thats when I used it alot. I use the flexible hold because I mainly use it when my hair is curly and I like flexible curls. :-)


Emmet Garage said...

thank you! love the look of you and would visit you daily in the future!

have a lovely day and creative minds reflect the blog

emmet garage sales+ blogspot

Anonymous said...

argh, this hairspray does it to me all the time!! It's my fave though, so I keep buying it lol